DROMOS images series meet Paul Virilio’s statement: Our life stories timeline frame in universal time playground defined as the instant.
Meaning our contemporary society splits distance sizes and removes time scales to keep only the tiniest time, the instant. During the performance, DROMOS proposes to the audience a visual trip, aiming at translating the esthetic of the speed into images; from the high velocity to the lowest tempo, the audience will see the decomposition of the time through a myriad of speed visual variations: among others, 3D Mesh Morphing and superposition effects are used. The expression of the velocity will enable the audience to get closer to the unreachable moment, the decomposition of the instant. From large scale complex architecture and reduction of space, compression or rest of a peaceful moment, to asphyxia feeling and sensation of losing control, the audience will experiment different time scales and their related decomposition.
The event story Telling of DROMOS is set in 8 Chapters