Materia - CCCB - Barcelona, Spain - 20.02
Erratic Weather - Teatros Canal - Madrid, Spain - 07.05
Beyond Echoes - Culture gest - Lisbon, Portugal
Beyond Echoes - Tremor - Azores, Portugal
Beyond Echoes - Gnration - Braga, Portugal
Beyond Echoes - Mageirag - Madeira, Portugal
Beyond Echoes Installation - Çubuklu Silolar Culture Center - Istanbul, Turkey
Swarmfield - Ice Cargo - Pohang, South korea
Everything flows, nothing dies - Contemporary Istanbul, Turkey
± 5,965 Fathoms - Fondation Serralves - Porto, Portugal
Lost Garden - Festival Imminente - Lisbon, Portugal
Materia - Arches - Villerupt, France
Materia - Tkeshi Festival - Tbilissi, Georgia
Materia - Seoul, South Korea
Materia - OFFF festival - Mexico
Materia - DAZ - Zurich Switzerland
Lost Garden - Festival Imminente - Lisbon, Portugal
Origine - ARCHES - Villerupt, France
Tree of Life - Ciel Ouvert - Etang de Redange
Superposition - W1 Curates - London, UK
Supernatural - Venice Biennale - Venice, Italy
Supernatural - Ice Cargo - Pohang, South Korea
Erratic Weather - Centro Botin, Santander
Layers of the Earth - Theatre Carre - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tree of Life - Biela Noc - Bratislava, Slovakia
Bloom - Rabat, Morocco
Bloom - Hub Berlin - Berlin, Germany
Swarmfield - LAM - Budapest, Hungary
Toute séparation est un lien - Saint Paul, La Reunion
Materia - Inota Festival - Hungary
Inner Life - Kosice, Slovakia
Erratic Weather - Sonica - Glasgow, Scotland
Erratic Weather - Sonar - Lisbon, Portugal
Erratic Weather - Tower of David, Jerusalem
Erratic Weather - Zagreb, Croatia
Bloom -- Oviedo, Spain
Inner Life - Bratislava, Slovakia
Transpose - Mutek, Mexico
Tree of Life - Zurich, Switzerland
Erratic Weather - Roma, Italy
Tree of Life - Schemerlichtfestival - Nijmegen, Netherlands
Erratic Weather - Nuits Blanches - Philharmonie de Paris
Transpass - Munich Philarmonie - Munich, Germany
Erratic Weather - Stereolux - Nantes, France
Erratic Weather - New Now - Essen Germany
Erratic Weather - Le Guess Who?, Utrecht
FLOW - Hydra, St petersburg, Russia
Sense of blue - Arts Basel - Basel, Switzerland
Sense of blue - Frieze London - London, UK
Sense of blue - FIAC - Paris, France
FLOW - Oasis, Montreal, Canada
BLOOM - DAZ - Zurich, Switzerland
Erratic Weather - Transart Festival - Bolzano, Italy
Erratic Weather - Funkhaus - Berlin, Germany
Light Bearers - Light Festival - Bahrain, UAE
Light Bearers - D3 - Dubai, UAE
Hyperform - Mutek - Mexico
Hyperform - Mutek - Tokyo, Japan
Omnis - ISEA - Vancouver, Canada
Omnis - SONICA - Glasgow, Scotland
Bloom - FIAV - Casablanca, Morocco
Bloom - Mutek - Montreal, Canada
Bloom, Shenzhen China
Erratic Weather - ICC - Istanbul, Turkey
Flow - Poznan, Poland
Flow - B39 - Seoul, South Korea
Aeryon - B39 - Seoul - South Korea
Bloom - B39 - Seoul - South Korea
FLOW - Shanghai, China
Hyperform - Science Festival - St Petersburg, Russia
Aeryon - FIAV - Casablanca, Morocco
Heaven Lines - K11 - Guangzhou, China
Bloom - Scopitone - Nantes, France
Aeryon - TADAEX - Tehran, Iran
Mapping Festival - Geneva, Switzerland
Durations - Madatac - Madrid, Spain
Aeryon - LEV festival - Gijon, Spain
Aeryon - Biela Noc - Bratislava, Slovakia
Hyperform - Mutek - Montreal, Canada
Flow - Ars Electronica - Linz, Austria
Durations - Mutek - Tokyo, Japan
Projection Week - Halden, Norway
Light Bearers - Biela Noc - Bratislava, Slovakia
Light Bearers - Signal Festival - Praga, Czech Republic
Six Drawings - BAM - Liege, Belgium
Omnis - Visiones - Lima, Peru
Durations - Mutek - Montreal, Canada
Durations - Mutek - Barcelona, Spain
Durations - Mutek - Bogota, Colombia
Durations - TADAEX - Tehran, Iran
Omnis - TADAEX - Tehran, Iran
Omnis - Une saison graphique - Le Havre, France
Light Bearers - Insectarium - Montreal, Canada
Dromos - Planétarium de Vaulx-en-Velin - AADN - Lyon, France
Miscible - festival Maintenant/Societe des Arts Technologiques Telepresence installation, Université de Rennes / Montreal.
Omnis - Festival Mutek - Mexico
Omnis - Mira Festival - Barcelona, Spain
Omnis - Live Cinema - Rio de janeiro, Brazil
Six Drawings - SAT - Montreal, Canada
DROMOS - Société des Arts Technologiques - Mutek Festival - Montréal, Canada - 13th-17th June 2013.
The Pursuit to Reveal the InvisibleMINIMAL COLLECTIVE
On showing the unpredictable and understanding the accidentalBEAUX-ARTS MAGAZINE
Maotik x La Prairie, la nuit sous un autre jourFISH EYE IMMERSIVE
« SUPERPOSITION » : la géniale expérience multimédia de DJ Tennis, Ashee et MaotikPRESTIGE
Painting by Numbers: Meet Digital Artist MaotikARS ELECTRONICA
Flow: A Sea of Real-time DataFRIEZE LONDON
Maotik Captures the Hues of Nocturnal Blue for La PrairieDESIGN BOOM
maotik's FLOW represents nature through waves of real time dataM: +33 680242014 (France)